Grit a Grip: Arm Wrestling – The Sport that Biceps Dreams Are Made Of

Welcome to Weird Wednesday – where I highlight the awesomely weird in the world of sports! 

Ladies and gentlemen, step right up! It’s another Weird Wednesday, and today I’m diving elbow-deep into the weird world of arm wrestling. This isn’t your grandmother’s game of “Mercy” in the schoolyard. Arm wrestling isn’t just about who has the strongest arm. It’s a battle of brawn AND brain. As with any sport, your mental game can be the difference between winning and losing. Arm wrestlers have to stay focused, calm, and outsmart their opponents.

Guns & Poses: Hooked, Lined, and Stinker 

In the world of arm wrestling, there’s no shortage of strength and strategy. The goal, it seems, isn’t just to slam your opponent’s hand into the table, but there also is a bit of style to it. Take the “Top Roll” where you twist your opponent’s wrist like you’re opening a stubborn jar of pickles. Then there’s the “Hook,” where it looks like two giant crabs are arm-wrestling instead of humans. Here are some other strategic moves I found:

  1. The Silent Stare-Down: Maintaining intense eye contact with your opponent can be as unnerving as a death stare from a statue. It’s a psychological warfare tactic. The longer you stare, the weaker they become. Oh man, would I love to work with someone on training this kind of psychological state!
  2. The Distraction Technique: Start discussing the latest episode of a popular TV show, and while they’re trying to remember if Jon Snow really knew nothing, you seize the opportunity and go for the win.
  3. The “Oops, I Slipped” Trick: Pretend your hand slipped, give your opponent a false sense of security, and then snatch victory from their unsuspecting grasp.


Weird Flex

Arm wrestling has generally accepted rules and guidelines that are followed by various arm wrestling organizations and events. These rules are often similar across different competitions and are designed to ensure fairness and safety.

Arm wrestling matches take place on what’s called “The Table.” It’s like a wrestling ring for your upper limbs and Popeye forearms. The sport of arm wrestling has a formal set of rules and regulations that is as complex as any other professional sport. These rules govern everything from the positioning of the arms and hands to the use of specific equipment like the tables, elbow pads, and grip aids. Additionally, there are strict rules about the behavior and conduct of the competitors, including how they grip, where their shoulders and elbows must be, and how fouls are determined. In gameplay, there is also a set of referees who enforce these rules.

Here are the basic rules of arm wrestling:

  1. Hand Placement: Both competitors must stand or sit at the arm wrestling table with their arms extended horizontally, gripping each other’s hand.
  2. Grip: The grip is typically palm-to-palm, with the fingers interlocked. It’s essential that both competitors have a fair and firm grip to start the match.
  3. Elbow Position: The competitors’ elbows should be placed firmly on the arm wrestling table, and they must not lift or slide their elbows during the match. Lifting or sliding the elbow can result in a foul.
  4. The “Go” Signal: An official or a designated person will give the signal for the match to begin, often saying, “Ready, Go!” or a similar command. Competitors must start arm wrestling only after this signal.
  5. Match Progression: Once the match begins, both competitors use their arm and upper body strength to try and pin their opponent’s arm to the table. The objective is to force the opponent’s hand, wrist, and forearm down to a 90-degree angle with the table. It’s common for arm wrestling matches to be a best-of-three or best-of-five format, depending on the rules of the competition.
  6. Fouls: Various fouls can result in a restart of the match or disqualification. Common fouls include lifting the elbow, slipping out of the grip, using the shoulder to gain an advantage, and false starts (starting before the “Go” signal).
  7. Winning the Match: To win a match, a competitor must pin their opponent’s hand and forearm to the table. The first person to do this is declared the winner of that round. In a tournament or multi-round match, the competitor who wins the predetermined number of rounds first (e.g., best of three or best of five) is declared the overall winner.
  8. Breaking the Grip: If the grip between competitors cannot be maintained or if there is a stalemate, the referee may call for a restart or a strap match. A strap is a device that prevents the competitors from breaking their grip, and it can be used to ensure a fair match.


It’s important to note that arm wrestling can be physically demanding and should be practiced with proper technique to avoid injury. Additionally, rules and regulations can vary in different arm wrestling organizations. Two of the major professional leagues include the World Armwrestling League (WAL) and the Ultimate Armwrestling League (UAL).

Fun Fact: In competitive arm wrestling, there are separate rankings and competitions for left-handed and right-handed arm wrestlers!

At Arms Length: The Legends of the Arm-Wrestling Arena

Arm wrestling has its own celebrities, like Devon “No Limits” Larratt and Travis “The Beast” Bagent, well-known in the sport for their achievements and rivalries. Legends like Denise Wattles and Sarah Backman (known as the “Queen of Arms”). Wattles is a highly accomplished arm wrestler from the United States. She’s known for her impressive strength and technique and has achieved numerous titles and records in arm wrestling competitions. Backman is a former professional arm wrestler from Sweden who has won numerous championships and is one of the most prominent female arm wrestlers in the world.

These female athletes have contributed significantly to the sport of arm wrestling and have their own dedicated fan bases. They’re proof that arm wrestling isn’t just a man’s game, and women can excel in the sport as well. But since we mentioned the men, they have their own legends, including John “The Pulling John” Brzenk, Travis “The Beast” Bagent, and Devon “No Limits” Larratt.

Elbow… Grease?

Let us not forget this 80s classic

I love movies like this that display more than just the turmoil of sport – athletes, all of us, are complicated characters.

Muscles and Mind Games

“Arm wrestling taught me that you can either be strong or smart – or you can be both and dominate the table.”

Mental training is a crucial aspect of arm wrestling, just as it is in any competitive sport. Here are five mental training tips for arm wrestlers to help improve performance:

1. Visualization: Use visualization techniques to mentally rehearse your arm wrestling matches. Imagine yourself successfully executing your strategies and techniques. This mental imagery can boost your confidence and prepare you for various scenarios.

2. Focus on Breathing: Controlled breathing is key to staying calm and composed during a match. Focus on deep, rhythmic breaths to maintain your composure and reduce anxiety. Controlled breathing can also help you stay relaxed and use your strength effectively.

3. Develop a Routine: Establish a pre-match routine to get into the right mental state. This could involve listening to music, a specific warm-up routine, or other rituals that help you feel mentally prepared and focused.

4. Positive Self-Talk: Monitor your self-talk and ensure it’s positive and encouraging. Replace self-doubt with affirmations of your skills and capabilities. Building mental resilience through positive self-talk can help you maintain confidence, even when facing a tough opponent.

5. Mindfulness Training: Work on developing mindfulness skills through daily practice. Mindfulness training, like meditation, can help you stay present and focused during matches and effectively manage stress responses.


Keep your friends close, but your competitors closer – you never know when you’ll need to surprise twist your way to victory!

Arm wrestling: a sport that combines brute strength, strategy, and a dash of theatrics to create a spectacle that’s not to be missed. Whether you’re in it for the entertainment, the muscle, or the pure spectacle of it all, arm wrestling is there to flex its weirdness right in your face, and it’s not to be underestimated.

Feast-Mode: The World of Competitive Food Eating 🍔🏆

Welcome to Weird Wednesday – where I highlight the awesomely weird in the weird world of sports! 

I have become obsessed with learning more about the sport of competitive eating, thanks to the book “Raw Dog” which introduces readers to the awe of the sport (alongside a written travel journey/history of the hot dog).

Are you ready to embark on a journey to the world of sports where hunger is the ultimate adversary, and gluttony is the name of the game? Welcome to the weird universe of competitive food eating! 🌭🏆

No Guts No Glory

In the realm of sports, competitive food eating stands as a stomach-churning anomaly (admittedly, it’s *really* hard to watch videos of people eating). I wondered: what drives competitive eaters to push the boundaries of gastronomic endurance?

Joey Chestnut, a legend in this field, devoured 76 (SEVENTY-SIX!) hot dogs in 10 minutes. It’s got to be more than just really liking to eat, right?

Competitive eaters often take on a diverse range of food challenges to showcase their eating skills. While specific events and challenges can vary, some of the foods and challenges competitive eaters have tackled may include: Hamburgers, pizza, wings, tacos, ice cream, spicy foods (featuring extremely spicy foods, such as hot peppers, hot sauces, or curries), pasta, and desserts.

There is also a professional league that oversees many of the aforementioned food showcases: Major League Eating. Pick your fighter eater.

More Than Just a Stomach

Competitive food eating is a sport that defies conventional expectations.

Michelle Lesco, hot dogs, gyoza, rib meat: “Competitive eating is a mental game. You have to stay focused, block out distractions, and stay true to your strategy.”

Beyond the apparent spectacle of devouring massive quantities of food, it delves into the realms of discipline, strategy, and athletic preparation. Competitive eaters are not merely eating enthusiasts; they are dedicated athletes. They engage in intensive training routines, which include refining their technique, mastering the art of portion control, and undertaking jaw-strengthening exercises. Yet, it’s not just physical prowess that sets them apart; it’s their mental fortitude. These athletes enter each competition with a game plan, meticulously calculating the optimal approach to conquer their opponents. They cultivate the mental abilities to navigate discomfort and fatigue, thereby turning what may appear as an indulgent pursuit into a well-balanced fusion of physical strength and mental fortitude. Competitive food eating is a multifaceted sport that demands much more than a stomach—it demands dedication, preparation, and an unwavering appetite for victory.

The Digestion Dilemma

Of course, all that eating comes with a price. Competitive eaters often face the aftermath of their epic feasts with a mix of satisfaction and digestive distress.

Hot Wings competitor, anonymous: “It’s a battle on both ends… You’ve got to have a strong stomach and nerves of steel. Let’s just say, my bathroom knows me pretty well after a competition.”

(My reader, I am sorry.)

In the competitive food-eating arena, triumph is often followed by the less glamorous side of the sport—the digestion dilemma. Consuming massive quantities of food in a short span can challenge even the most robust stomachs. Competitors must carefully manage post-competition discomfort and, occasionally, digestive distress. It’s a reminder that beyond the spectacle, these athletes endure physical strains and face genuine health concerns. Competitive food eaters diligently work to strike a balance between their passion for the sport and the well-being of their bodies, making it a sport that demands not only mental fortitude but also responsible self-care.

The Heart, Mind & Stomach of a Champion

In the world of competitive food eating, champions are crowned based on their ability to consume colossal amounts of food in record time. But beyond the sheer gluttony, there’s a camaraderie among competitors and a sense of pushing the limits that binds them together.

Whether you’re an aspiring competitive eater or just a curious spectator, competitive eating can be physically demanding and mentally taxing. Train your mind to recognize discomfort and fatigue by setting mental resilience goals during practice sessions.

“The sport of competitive eating is as much, if not more, mental, as it is physical” – the “Black Widow” of Competitive Eating, Sonya Thomas.

Sonya points to nervousness or lack of focus as potential impacts on her performance, particularly when she needs to be attuned to the “speed of swallow.” Here are a few tips to address the specific mental challenges and strategies relevant to competitive food eating, that might help YOU excel in this unconventional sport:

  1. Visualize Your Eating Strategy: Prior to a competition, visualize yourself at the table, strategically tackling the food challenge. Imagine your technique, the rhythm of your bites, and how you’ll pace yourself throughout the event.
  2. Stay Present with Each Bite: Focus on the present during competition. Concentrate on the taste, texture, and swallowing process of each bite you take. By staying mindful of the food, you can maintain control of your pace. Regularly practice mindful eating!
  3. Focus on the Process: Instead of fixating on the final outcome or the sheer volume of food you need to consume, concentrate on the process of eating. Break the challenge down into smaller, manageable portions, and stay focused on one bite at a time. This can prevent feelings of overwhelm and anxiety.
  4. Adapt to Changing Conditions: Competitive eating can vary in terms of food type, portion size, and competition rules. And then there’s the potential for digestion issues. 🥴 Have a flexible mindset that allows you to adjust your strategy as needed during the event.

Who knew that a sport involving hotdogs and pies could leave us all so hungry for more? 🌭🥧😂

Competitive food-eating competitions are a spectacle like no other. Whether it’s the iconic Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest on the Fourth of July or a local chili challenge, crowds are hungry for entertainment and incredible eating displays.